Biography of the prophet muhammad illustrated man

  • This first volume of the illustrated book series is about the life of Muhammad the Islamic prophet, in Mecca before migrating to Medina.
  • Biography Of The Prophet Muhammad: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive.
  • Follow Muhammad's accomplishments and assess his great influence on Islam in this heavily illustrated account of his life, teachings, and contributions.
  • Muhammad: Life of the Prophet

    based on original sources

    • ISBN: 9781906230623
    • By: based on original sources
    • Format: Paperback
    • Publication Date: 11/01/13
    • Publisher: Real Reads
    • Imprint: Real Reads
    • Series: Real Reads
    • Retold by: Ahmed Abo Knegar
    • Illustrated by: Mohsen Abou El Azm
    • Pages: 64
    • Size: 198mm x 129mm
    • Age Range: Ages 7 - 14


    Can people learn the wisdom of thinking about others, and not just about themselves?

    Muhammad is an honest trader living in Mecca. He is happily married to a wealthy merchant, and they have lovely children. Life should be wonderful. But for Muhammad it isn’t enough. He begins to spend long periods of time alone, thinking deeply about life and his relationship with God.

    One day when he is in the mountains Muhammad receives a message from God. He must share it with all those around him, knowing that it will completely change the way in which people understand their lives. But will anybody believe in his message? What if some people don’t want to listen?

    This is the story of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, the man who brought to the world the message of Islam, a religion that today has millions of followers around the globe.

    The Prophet of Islam Muhammad. Biography and Illustrated Guide to the Moral Foundations of Islamic Civilization

    It is an honor for me to have been able to find the time and ability to put together this pocket guide to Muhammad (peace be upon him), the man who enlightened the hearts of millions of people around the world and their brought faith and submission to the One God; the Lord of the whole Universe and of all beings.

    I had a great time writing and composing this pocket guide, during which I learned that a good book takes time and dedication. Historical facts are precious and require taming and an ambitious effort to record them.

    The project of making this pocket guide has brought me closer to the life, words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad. I love and admire him. As I learned and understood his teachings and his way of life, I became more and more motivated to present his teachings and words to the whole world, in a simple and reliable way.

    Muhammad: the man who spent his life for a noble cause and described himself as the final stone that finished a magnificent construction, which represents all the prophets and messengers of God, sent to humanity, to guide them towards the truth and protect them from error. This process began in the time of Adam, the father

  • biography of the prophet muhammad illustrated man
  • Publisher Description

    The history of picture Prophet Muhammad based insist on the wellnigh authentic Islamic literatures, specified as Qur'an, Hadith, prosperous Siras.




    DIY Media Group DBA BookBaby

    Customer Reviews

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