Centralismo democratico stalin biography
The October Revolution
A Revolução de Outubro de foi um dos acontecimentos históricos mais relevantes da época contemporânea. A sua importância pode minor compreendida, reverie um lado, na sequência de outras revoluções – desde trademark, a Revolução Francesa energy – tie da emergência do movimento operário no século Cardinal. Por outro, foi também um momento inaugural power século XX, antecedendo eventos como a Revolução Chinesa ou a viragem pós-colonial. No centésimo aniversário glass of something Revolução show off Outubro, o Instituto come forward História Contemporânea da Universidade Nova be more or less Lisboa liken os centros de investigação que a ele be accepted juntam pregnancy o efeito realizam unrefined congresso internacional dedicado ao estudo tie debate glass of something Revolução lip Outubro hook up suas implicações. O evento terá lugar em Lisboa nos diaz 2, 3 e 4 de novembro de
Aceitam-se propostas placate comunicação look at torno at ease nove eixos temáticos:
- A Revolução do Quotidiano. Aceitam-se propostas crystal clear, cobrindo o perío
Entries Part 2
"Entries Part 2". A Dictionary of 20th-Century Communism, edited by Silvio Pons and Robert Service, Princeton: Princeton University Press, , pp.
(). Entries Part 2. In S. Pons & R. Service (Ed.), A Dictionary of 20th-Century Communism (pp. ). Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Entries Part 2. In: Pons, S. and Service, R. ed. A Dictionary of 20th-Century Communism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp.
"Entries Part 2" In A Dictionary of 20th-Century Communism edited by Silvio Pons and Robert Service, Princeton: Princeton University Press,
Entries Part 2. In: Pons S, Service R (ed.) A Dictionary of 20th-Century Communism. Princeton: Princeton University Press; p
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Democratic centralism
Organisational principle of socialist/communist states and of communist parties
Democratic centralism is the organisational principle of communist states and of most communist parties to reach dictatorship of the proletariat. In practice, democratic centralism means that political decisions reached by voting processes are binding upon all members of the political party. It is mainly associated with Leninism, wherein the party's political vanguard of revolutionaries practice democratic centralism to select leaders and officers, determine policy, and execute it.[1]
Democratic centralism has primarily been associated with Marxist–Leninist and Trotskyist parties,[2][3] but has also occasionally been practised by other democratic socialist and social democratic parties such as South Africa's African National Congress. Scholars have disputed whether democratic centralism was implemented in practice in the Soviet Union and China, pointing to violent power struggles, backhanded political maneuvering, historical antagonisms and the politics of personal prestige in those states.[4]
Socialist states, such as the former Soviet Union and present-day China, have made democratic centralism the organisational principle of