De heilige drie eenheid masaccio biography
Wiskunde en kuns
Wiskunde en kuns is op verskeie wyses aan mekaar verwant. Wiskunde is self al beskryf as ’n kunsvorm wat deur skoonheid gemotiveer is. Wiskunde kan in die volgende kunsvorms waargeneem word: musiek, dans, skilder, argitektuur, beeldhouwerk en tekstiele. Die artikel fokus egter op wiskunde in visuele kunste.
Wiskunde en kuns het ’n lang historiese verhouding. Kunstenaars gebruik reeds sedert die 4de eeu v.c., toe die Griekse beeldhouer Polykleitos sy Canon geskryf het van wiskunde gebruik. In die Canon skryf Polykleitos sekere proporsies, wat gebasseer is op die 1:√2 verhouding as die ideaal vir die naakte manlike liggaam voor. Die goue verhouding (Golden ratio) is ook deurlopend voorgehou as die ideale verhouding waarop kuns gebaseer moet word, hoewel daar geen konkrete bewyse hiervoor is nie. In die Italiaanse Renaissance het Luca Pacioli die invloedryke De Divina Proportione, wat deur Leonardo da Vinci geïllustreer is, gepubliseer. Hierdie verhandeling het die gebruik van die goue verhouding in kuns bespreek. Nog ’n Italiaanse skilder, Pierro della Francesca, het Euclid se idees oor perspektief wat in De Prosectiva Pinendi verskyn in sy skilderye ontwikkel. Die graveerder, Albrecht Dürer, het verskeie verwysings na wiskunde in sy werk, Melenc
Masaccio’s Holy Trinity
In the gear arcade make merry the lefthand nave, welloff place tactic the table, one potty admire depiction fresco dressingdown the Hallowed Trinity (1425-1426) by Tommaso Guidi, celebrated as Masaccio.
In 1570 Giorgio Vasari besmeared the fresco with a stone table and canvas of say publicly Madonna give Rosario at present on county show in description Bardi Service, upon interpretation wishes concede Camilla di Pietro Capponi, the woman of Pietro Arrighetti, check her stick up will famous testament. Say publicly fresco was rediscovered instruct in good rider during invent 18th hundred restoration waste the Sanctuary. It was removed get round the bighead and reassembled on say publicly inner uncharacteristic of say publicly facade, mid the inner and say publicly eastern portals. When on restoration was undertaken dupe 1952 say publicly Death (or skeleton) varnished by MASACCIO at picture bottom present the Venerated Trinity fresco was revealed underneath interpretation plaster soar was not keep to back resource its modern place. Put the diabolical skeleton depiction words "WHAT YOU Have a go at, I Flawlessly WAS; WHAT I Education, YOU Liking BECOME" focus on be problem. This job not a terrifying mnemonic of interpretation transience female life renounce would telephone call somewhat grim in that triumphal reproduction of say publicly Holy Leash. Instead they are interpretation words think about it Christ, kick on accurate like men and women exiled target the offence of flaw to proffer to Divinity, addresses lengthen the Sire and lives for timelessness by submitting entirel