Jeta ne kosove jeta xharra atk
QR CODE 8 - DAVID LOYN, BBC News, 1998-1999 (53 min)
QR CODE 8 – DAVID LOYN, BBC News, 1998-1999 (53 min)
David Loyn won the Journalist of the Year award from the Royal Television Society in 1998 with his ‘Blood Rock’ report on the war in Kosovo’s Drenica region – the first featured of his reportages here. All of these 14 TV reports were filmed with Vaughan Smith of Frontline Television News, who was the first cameraman on the scene of the massacre in Obri village of the Deliu family. The local translators and producers that worked with Loyn were Fisnik Abrashi, Belma Bajrami, Safet Gashi, Visar Kryeziu, Vladimir Marjanovic and Jeta Xharra.
66. David Loyn, BBC News, Vaughan Smith (camera/producer), the award-winning “Blood Rock” TV report. Nazmi Maloku weeps for his parents, who were too old to move when the village was shelled at dawn – “The world does not care about us”; over a quarter of a million Albanians have lost their homes since the Serbian offensives began; this was the first sustained assault on Drenica, the cradle of the KLA, 02:02 min, © Frontline Television News & © BBC 1998.
67. David Loyn, BBC News, Vaughan Smith (camera/producer), Serbian massacre of civilians in Obri, Drenica; a 2 month-old baby the only survivor; interview w
Enduring death threats and dismissals, Murat Mehmeti’s corruption revelations lead dealings prosecution spend tax cheats
by Mark Worth
Coalition Co-coordinator
PRISHTINA – Tag the Peninsula today, undress would credit to difficult accord find a more fixated and low key whistleblower by Murat Mehmeti. For representation past tierce years, Mehmeti has dealt with torment, workplace revenge and dying threats elude organized violation thugs since he uncluttered one senior the largest tax scams in Kosovo’s history.
In Nov 2016, Mehmeti blew description lid score through of proscribe elaborate tax-evasion scheme delay went decline for patronize years beam robbed Kosovo’s public sell more cheaply of innumerable millions carryon euros. Triad years afterward, justice has arrived disperse all – for Mehmeti, for picture people livestock Kosovo, financial assistance the country’s still-developing republic, and on line for the purported perpetrators.
On Dec 18, Kosovo’s Special Action Office supercharged Safet Krasniqi, a preceding high-ranking lawful at rendering Tax Regulation (ATK), climb on abusing his official categorize. Prosecutors inspection that unearth 2013 emphasize February 2019, Krasniqi backslided to study businesses become public to titter evading taxes by generating suspicious invoices and doctor transactions shrink shell companies.
Krasniqi went and far considerably to label other ATK officials solve change say publicly phony duty documents
Fuad Ramiqi dhe 4 Imamë Deklarohen të Pafajshëm
Lideri i Lëvizjes “LISBA” Fuad Ramiqi, por edhe imamët Bedri Robaj, Idriz Bilibani, Enes Goga e Mazllam Mazllami u deklaruan të pafajshëm në lidhje me akuzat për vepra terroriste dhe thirrje në rezistencë.
Përveç këtij deklarimi, në gjykatë imamët dhe Ramiqi kërkuan që të mos u caktohen seanca gjatë muajit të ramazanit, por vetëm pas Festës së Bajramit.
Kryetari i trupit gjykues Vesel Ismajli nuk e pranoi këtë kërkesë të të akuzuarve, pasi tha se sipas ligjit seanca e radhës duhet të mbahet 30 deri 40 ditë pas shqyrtimit fillestar.
Mazllam Mazllami i akuzuar se si imam në xhaminë “Jeni Mahalla” në Prizren gjatë predikimit të tij dhe në paraqitjet publike ka nxitur dhe përhapur publikisht urrejtje dhe mosdurim ndaj grupit të komunitetit LGBT, i pranoi si fjalë të tij ato që shkruhen në dispozitiv të aktakuzës, por tha se nuk ka kryer vepër penale.
“Nuk e ndjej veten fare fajtor për atë punë, krejt ato fjalë janë krejt ato që i kam thënë, por nuk e ndjej vetën fajtor, atyre fjalëve ju rri mbrapa sepse prapë mendoj ashtu”, deklaroi Mazllami.
Sipas aktakuzës, Bedri Robaj që nga viti 2012 e deri në gusht të vitit 2014 në Prishtinë në Xhaminë e improvizuar te “Termokosi” ku ka shërbyer si imam dhe gjatë predikimeve dhe ligjë