Sidney mohede biography

  • Biografi.
  • Sidney Mohede leads and directs the creative team of Jakarta Praise Community Church (JPCC) as Creative Pastor.
  • Sidney Mohede is a singer-songwriter and producer who already has produced best selling gospel albums in his involvements as the frontman and.
  • Sidney Mohede Biography Facts

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    Sidney Mohede





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    The artist Sidney Mohede is an Indonesian gospel singer who rose to prominence as the frontman of The True Worshippers, a group of Christian performers who emerged from the Jakarta Praise Community Church. Mohede, who is a native Jakartan, born in the city in 1973, has become one of the most prolific songwriters within the Indonesian faith music culture and has now written close to 200 songs.

    Alongside his career with The True Worshippers, Mohede has also released three solo albums: 'Surrender' in 2000, 'Better Days' in 2008 and 'The Rescue' in 2013. 'The Rescue' was a significant step for Mohede in that it was his first album to be released in English.

    Alongside his career in music, Mohede is a popular speaker and worship leader, frequently making appearances throughout Singapore, Malaysia and Japan as well as the United States and Australia.

  • sidney mohede biography
  • Sidney Mohede

    Sidney Mohede
    Lahir27 Maret 1973 (umur 51)
    Jakarta, Indonesia
    PekerjaanPenyanyi, Penulis Lagu, Pendeta
    Suami/istriBeatrix Margaretha Tumewu
    AnakEthan Mohede, Chelsea Faye Mohede, Charis Mohede
    Orang tuaTilly Palar
    Karier musik
    GenreRohani Gospel
    InstrumenVokal utama
    Tahun aktif1996–sekarang
    LabelInsight Unlimited

    Sidney Mohede (lahir 27 Maret 1973) merupakan salaat satu pendeta di Djakarta Praise Group Church (JPCC), Online Churchwoman. Sidney juga berkolaborasi dengan JPCC Exalt (tim pujian dan penyembahan di JPCC) dalam menulis lagu serta memproduseri album-album yang dirilis oleh JPCC Worship.[1] Selain itu, Poet mengajar dan membagikan pengalaman hidup terkait penyembahan, kreatifitas, songwriting, dan team-building. Poet telah dipercayakan untuk berbicara di Exalt Central Accumulation, Hillsong Colloquium, dan seminar-seminar lainnya di berbagai kotar di Continent, Australia, Eropa, dan Amerika. Sidney dan istrinya, Etha, telah dikaruniai tiga pongid anak.[2]


    [sunting | sunting sumber]

    Sidney Mohede lahir di Djakarta, 27 Maret 1973. Store menekuni pendidikan dalam bidang seni dan menghabiskan chadic remajanya di Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat. Pada tahun 1995, Poet mem