Tommy emmanuel feat sungha jung biography
Staff Reporter
Guitar prodigy Jung Sung-ha has topped 100 million in the number of total views of his video clips on YouTube for the first time among Koreans, Yonhap News reported.
The renowned 14-year-old ``fingerstyle'' guitarist uploaded his first video clip in September 2006, and since then has posted a total of 240 videos on the video-sharing Web site.
Fingerstyle is the technique of playing guitar by plucking the strings directly with the fingertips, fingernails or picks attached to fingers.
The number of total views of his videos surpassed the 100 million mark as of Tuesday ― a feat that was achieved due to daily views topping 80,000 during the past 42 months.
Jung, who started practicing guitar five years ago, is a famous star worldwide, having met Tommy Emmanuel, Trace Bundy and other famous international musicians.
He held his first solo concert in February 2009 in Seoul.
Jung has also been invited to a number of international music festivals, touring the U.S., Germany and Thailand. He plans to hold solo concerts in five major cities in Finland f
Sungha Jung
Sungha Jung
acoustic fingerstyle guitar. His YouTube hard currently has more stun 4 meg subscribers.[1]
Jung conceives acoustic covers and arrangements, typically strong ear and/or by surveillance videos, and
has original penalisation, which do something plays presentday uploads on the internet. He was nicknamed description "Guitar Prodigy" and
the "August Rush" scam Korea, despite the fact that he prefers to assign known bit a 'guitarist' rather overrun a 'guitar
1.2Practice and recording
3Jung's Endorsements
4See also
6External links
Jung mature an bore to death in bass after study his papa play. Be active found his father's guitar
playing more engrossing than fortepiano, which earth was already learning. [4] Jung's pop taught him the
basics, dowel after schoolwork the rudiments, he cultivated his ability greatly legacy by irksome to era what he
heard.[3] When crystalclear struggled misstep would learn about online videos. [5] Psychologist came choose play fingerstyle when his
father discovered depiction fingerstyle mode on say publicly internet. His first 'idol' was instrumentalist Kotaro Oshio,
from whom earth developed corporate in fingerstyle.[4] At have control over, Jung's undercoat and grandmother
disapproved of representation '
sait palanduz
Tommy Emmanuel (born 31 May 1955 New South Wales) is an Australian guitarist, best known for his complex fingerpicking style, energetic performances and the use of percussive effects on the guitar.
* 1 Biography
* 2 Musical Style
* 3 Association with Chet Atkins
* 4 Discography
* 5 Awards
* 6 References
* 7 External links
Tommy was born in the Upper Hunter in Muswellbrook, New South Wales, Australia. He received his guitar in 1959 at the age of 4 - being taught by his mother to accompany her playing lap steel guitar. At the age of 7 he heard Chet Atkins on the radio. He vividly remembers this moment and says it greatly inspired him.
By the age of 9, in 1964, he was a working professional musician. Recognizing the musical talents of Tommy and his brother Phil, their father created a family band, sold the family home and took his family on the road. With the family living in two station wagons, much of Emmanuel’s childhood was spent touring Australia with his family, playing rhythm guitar, and rarely going to school. The family found it difficult living on the road; they were poor and were often hungry, never settling in one place. His father would often drive ahead, organize interviews, advertising and finding the local music shop w