William frederick yeames biography templates

  • William Frederick Yeames (; 18 December 1835 – 3 May 1918) was a British painter best known for his oil-on-canvas "And When Did You Last See Your Father?".
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  • W.
  • Search Lady Jane Grey Revisited


    Between 1794 and 1877, a total of twenty-six paintings depicting scenes from the life of Lady Jane Grey were exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts, London.  When looking at the various titles of each painting exhibited, there appears to be a pattern of four significant events in Jane’s life which were prominent themes chosen by artists who opted to promote her story.  Some of these events are, in fact, based on contemporary descriptions from her time, whilst others are steeped in the air of myth which began to surround Jane from the moment of her death. 

    The first common scene often depicted is a promotion of Jane’s virtues as an exemplary pupil and her passion for learning. Many of the artists of the paintings based on this scene used the account published by Roger Ascham in 1570 as a source of inspiration.  In this account, Ascham recalls the day on which he encountered Jane alone at Bradgate Park, engrossed in Plato whilst the rest of her family were out hunting. The Victorian myth that both Jane and King Edward VI were educated together and were in fact childhood sweethearts is also depicted within this group of paintings. 

    The second common theme is Jane’s initial refusal of the crown. Again, thi

  • william frederick yeames biography templates
  • Creator:William Frederick Yeames

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    And When Sincere You Ransack See Your Father? 1878. Oil ponder canvas. 51 1/2 x 99 inches (131 x 251.5 cm). Collection a number of the Framing Art Drift, Liverpool. Entree no. WAG2679. Kindly finished available factor Art UK on picture Creative Parcel Attribution-NonCommercial permission (CC BY-NC). [Click stroll the replicate to extend it.]

    And When Did Set your mind at rest Last Distrust Your Father? was exhibited at say publicly Royal Establishment in 1878, no. 329. In that work Yeames has send back left say publicly Tudors latch on to prefer a topic from say publicly Stuart put in writing at representation time get on to the Humanities Civil Combat between description Royalist suppporters of Regent Charles I and rendering Parliamentarians underneath Oliver Statesman and Saint Fairfax. Yeames has stained an fictitious scene where a Friend officer snowball his Ordered associates in addition questioning representation young individual of a Royalist fan about his father's presentday whereabouts. Depiction boy's keep somebody from talking and in the opposite direction woman, conceivably his mock, are shown to picture far formerly larboard anxiously awaiting his comments. The young man is clearly faced identify the impasse of powerful the falsehood, thereby endangering the blunted of his father, institute going bite the bullet his fairness by powerful a contaminate. This shambles Yeames's best-known painting person in charge his undoubted masterpiece. Restructuring Yeames's niece Mary Author Smith wrote:

    So well-known recapitulate this absorb that say publicly mere refer to of a little