Willie mae kirk biography of mahatma gandhi
List of chronicle films
Louie Henri (older)
Directed by Richard Attenborough
Starring Ben Kingsley, Roshan Seth, Candice Bergen, Geraldine James
IMDb Top 250: #193 (28/5/12)
BFI Top 100: #34 (1999)
In my review of Chariots of Fire, I remarked that "the legacy it has left behind for British filmmaking has not been one of unmitigated benefit." By this I was not referring specifically to the career of Hugh Hudson (what there is of it), but to the films which sought all too earnestly to recapture its Oscar success. While Chariots of Firestill stands as a landmark of British filmmaking, untarnished and proud, the sands of time have gradually revealed Gandhifor what it really is: an utterly well-meaning but overly cautious biopic, which relies too much on reputation and not enough on empathy.
Mahatma Gandhi
- “You are just in time, my small friend. A new era is dawning for the people of India. Thank you, Mario, I shall not forget you.”
- —Mahatma Gandhi, Mario's Time Machine (PC)
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948), better known by his honorific, Mahatma, was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist who was instrumental in helping India gain its independence from the United Kingdom. He campaigned through nonviolent tactics and actively sought to prevent bloodshed against anyone. Through imprisonment, riots, and a massacre against the Indian people, Gandhi maintained his passiveness, and he became a persuasive and highly revered figure in India. Gandhi eventually succeeded in realizing an independent India in 1947, though he was assassinated in 1948. At the time of India's first day of independence, Gandhi was in Calcutta, attempting to quell some of the emerging riots, but according to Mario's Time Machine, Gandhi was there to celebrate India's independence alongside its citizens. However, before they could fly India's new Flag, it is stolen by Bowser, and Mario, attempting to return the flag, meets with Gandhi in Calcutta.
According to the biograph