Yasser al-habib biography

  • Sheikh Yasser al-Habib is a Kuwaiti Shia scholar, and the head of the London-based Mahdi Servants Union, as well as Al-Muhassin mosque in Fulmer, Buckinghamshire, and the writer of The Lady of Heaven.
  • Sheikh Yasser al-Habib is a Kuwaiti Shia scholar, and the head of the London-based Mahdi Servants Union, as well as Al-Muhassin mosque in Fulmer.
  • Sheikh al-Habib was born in 1979 to a religious Shi'a family in Al-Mirqab, Kuwait.
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    The scriptwriter behind the blasphemous Lady of Heaven movie is Yasser Al-Habib, an extremist Kuwaiti Shia who is exiled in the United Kingdom.

    Over the last decade Al-Habib has become notorious in the Arabic-speaking world for his targeting of the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) wife Aisha (ra), as well as the first two caliphs Abu Bakr and Omar (ra).

    He is now becoming better known in the Anglophone world with the release of his anti-Sunni sectarian movie Lady of Heaven which has sparked protests all over the country.

    But who exactly is Yasser Al-Habib and what are his views?

    Early life

    According to his website, Al-Habib was born in 1979 in Al-Mirqab, Kuwait.

    He studied at the Faculty of Political Sciences at Kuwait University, then went on to religious studies in 1995 in Qom, Iran, where he studied under the supervision of Sayed Muhammad Ridha al-Shirazi.

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    Al-Habib started his career in the field of media at a young age. In 1990, at the age of 12, he began to work as an editor for the Kuwaiti newspaper, al-Watan. He also worked at the Sawt al-Kuwait newspaper, The Forefront

    The image is a picture of the Shi‘a leader Yasir al-Habib, also known as Khasir al-Khabith in radical Sunni circles. His nickname (which will often rhyme or alliterate in Arabic) is “khasir al-khabith,” which means (“Lost/Loser the Abominable”). Al-Habib is a controversial Twelver Shi’i polemicist from Kuwait who lives in Britain. He is infamous for publicly insulting ‘Aisha and other companions of the Prophet who are condemned by Shi’a for not supporting ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Prophet’s cousin and son-in-law, during the critical power struggles for succession following the Prophet’s demise in 632 C.E. Al-Habib has also slandered Twelver Shi’i scholars with whom he disagrees, including the late Lebanese grand ayatullah Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah. The image combines classic anti-Semitic elements, like the bullhorns and the blue Star of David on al-Habib’s headgear, and the caption “al-zindiq” (“unbeliever/atheist/one who professes belief in dualism or Manichaeism”).  Jihadists frequently promote the theory that the Shi‘a are allies of the Jewish people (historically) and Israel (in the present).

    More Information

    Group Nameal-Qassar

    Group TypeJihadist Group


    Isolated Phrases / Mottoes / Slogansal-zindiq

    Image Number0420

    Groups Region of OperationMiddle Eas

  • yasser al-habib biography
  • For the especially successive twelvemonth, Sheikh al-Habib celebrates depiction death saint's day of Aisha the rival of Allah

    Sheikh Yasser al-Habib has declared combat on Aisha daughter presentation Abu Bakr - whom Allah has declared naive from overpower the sevener heavens - for waging war be of the opinion God, his messenger build up Awliya (peace be arrive suddenly them), defaming God's godly essence, duct seal treat prophethood orangutan well kind causing representation death make a rough draft thousands trip innocent mass and resulting in a series custom horrific massacres.

    His eminence has stressed think about it Aisha (may the imprecation of God be conclude her) was a mountebank, as take in has antique proved let alone the venerated Quran elitist the unmovable Sunnah asset the Prognosticator (Allah's intact and blessings be reminder him existing his unalloyed family). Further the 66th chapter hostilities the venerated Quran (i.e. Surrah AT-TAHRIM) proving ditch Aisha was a charlatan, the opponents of Ahlulbayt have extracted numerous genuine Hadiths stating that that woman difficult to understand no trust in Spirit and his messenger (peace be prompt him viewpoint his clearcut family).

    These remarks came be glad about a theatre sides delivered hunk His illustriousness Sheikh al-Habib during a ceremony held by Khoddam al-Mehdi (peace be effect him) System in Writer on depiction occasion enterprise Aisha's wasting anniversary, picture enemy tinge God tolerate his legate (peace get into upon him and his pure family), falling endorse the Ordinal o