Zivanna letisha siregar wikipedia

  • Zivanna Letisha Siregar (born 16 February 1989) is an Indonesian talk show host, book writer, philanthropist, model and beauty pageant titleholder who won.
  • Zivanna Letisha Siregar (d.
  • Zivanna Letisha Siregar (lahir 16 Februari 1989) adalah seorang presenter, model dan ratu kecantikan asal Indonesia.
  • Zivanna Letisha Siregar

    Indonesian actress, TV host, model, book writer and Miss Universe Indonesia 2009

    In this article, the surname is Siregar, her Bataknesepatronymic surname; Letisha is her Sundanesematronymic surname.

    Zivanna Letisha Siregar (born 16 February 1989) is an Indonesian talk show host,[7] book writer,[8][9][10] philanthropist, model and beauty pageant titleholder who won Puteri Indonesia 2008,[11] She represented Indonesia at Miss Universe 2009 Pageant[12][13] in Atlantis Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas,[14] where she didn't make the Top 15, but she won the "Miss Popularity" award.[1][15]

    Early life and career

    Born in Jakarta, Indonesia, with the Batak and Sundanese background from her parents,[19][20][21] She is the former winner of Elite Model Look Indonesia, and competed in Elite Model Look Asia Pacific 2006 in China.[22] On 2007, She is finishing her High School at Al-Izhar Pondok Labu - Jakarta.[23] She hold the Bachelor of Economics from University of Indonesia.[2]

    She is currently working as a news presenter on Indonesian TV station NET.TV and she eager to become a movie sta

    File:Zivanna Letisha Siregar For Denizen Games 2018 Torch Communicate Ceremony.jpg

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    Zivanna Letisha Siregar

    Zivanna Letisha Siregar
    LairZivanna Letisha Siregar
    (1989-02-16) Fèbruari 16, 1989 (umur 36)
    Jakarta, Indonesia
    Jeneng liyaZizi
    PakaryanModel, Presenter
    Taun aktif2008 - saiki

    Zivanna Letisha Siregar (lair ing Jakarta, 16 Fèbruari1989; umur 36 taun) diundhang Zizi ya iku Puteri Indonésia2008, ya iku wakil saka ProvinsiJakarta kang akiré kapilih dadi pamenang Puteri Indonésia taun 2008.[1]

    Dhèwèké nyisihaké Ayu Diandra Sari wakil saka Bali kang dadi Runner-up I (Puteri Indonésia Lingkungan) taun 2008 lan Anggi Mahesti wakol saka DI Yogyakarta kang dadi Runner-up II (Puteri Indonésia Pariwisata) ning taun 2008.[1]

    Mahasiswi saka Jurusan Ilmu Ékonomi Fakultas Ékonomi Universitas Indonésia, Dhépok, angkatan taun 2007 iki bakalé dadi dadi wakil saka Indonesia ning ajang Miss Universe taun 2009.[1]

    Sadurungé dadi Puteri Indonesia ning taun 2008, dhèwèké dadi pamenang ning ajang Elite Model Look nalika taun 2006.[1] Ora namung dadi wakil Jakarta, ning ajang Putri Indonésia taun 2008, lan dadi wakil Indonesia ning ajang Miss Universe taun 2009.[1] Zivanna uga dipercaya dadi duta Jantung Remaja Indonésia.[2]

    Dhèwèké dad

  • zivanna letisha siregar wikipedia