Zoran radmilovic mira banjac biography
Mira Banjac, Actress
“Acting, for me, is a joy and the power to relay various lives through myself,” says dramatic artist Mira Banjac, noting that she’s proud of all the women she’s portrayed. She most loved to interpret women of the people, which she viewed as a great responsibility
She had the honour of interpreting roles from everyday life, women one might meet on the street, but she also played roles in Shakespeare and G.B. Shaw. A diverse repertoire, but she nonetheless prefers domestic drama.
An acting star, diva, and one of the icons of the region’s acting scene, which she ennobles with her charisma, straightforwardness and kindness, she doesn’t perceive herself as having some special greatness, which is characteristic of great people, she’s simply an actress. An exceptional career, which has lasted since 1949, could be the envy of world greats of acting, as could her optimism and creative joy. She’s equally dedicated to leading and supporting roles, which are actually much harder to play in order for those “minor”, and in fact “major” roles, to provide that essential spice to a film, theatre or television story, without which such stories would not be complete. She has won all possible awards and accolades, but the greatest recognition for her is that she is an
Radovan Treći - the path of the play from the thesis to the legendary play
Radovan, with a thick moustache, a crooked black beret on his head and a freshly coffee-stained towel around his neck, addresses the household.
"I propose that the mines be dug, not like this (vertically), but horizontally, so when we don't find something, as we won't find anything, then let's build a subway there, normally.
"And we can run the sewage system in the opposite direction at the same cost," says the famous character played by the legend of the local theater, Zoran Radmilović, while the audience laughs uproariously.
Half a century later, Belgrade still hasn't got a subway, some parts of the capital still don't even have sewage, but the play Radovan the Third today it has a legendary status.
"The performance was a celebration of the spirit, a great joy for us and the audience, which is actually the fourth act, without it it could not have been Radovan", says actress Mira Banjac for the BBC in Serbian.
In addition to her and Zoran Radmilović, Milutin Butković, Milan Caci Mihailović, Tatjana Beljakova, Maja Čučković and Taško Načić played in the line-up by which the audience remembers the piece the most.
The play, for which more tickets were often requested, was performed in the Belgr
Price iz radionice
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