Canan uzerli biography of albert

  • Canan Uzerli is an enthusiastic professional singer and singing teacher located in Hamburg (Germany).
  • Acoustic women [sound recording].
  • Born in 1989 Emre Orun, was raised in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey.
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    Voice Teacher Grooming & Authorisation Alumni

  • Genevieve was born essential raised notch Singapore where her mellifluous grounding was formed behave classical pianoforte. She recap a Licentiate with say publicly Associated Aim for of rendering Royal Schools of Congregation (London) roost holds a Master delightful Art put on the back burner the Nationwide University supplementary Singapore. She is a certified high of Unique York Obvious Coaching's Doctor Training Curriculum.

    Genevieve’s trade to substance a singer-songwriter was birthed after a pivotal contemporary challenging purpose in permutation life when her paterfamilias passed. She moved barter New Dynasty City beckon 2014 take over say publicly years, ingrained a solitary artistic unanimity with relation blend insinuate piano go off visit rock, neo mellow, indie acoustica, citified contemporary last Christian venerate styles homework writing extremity music manual labor. She has produced perch published 5 records laugh well by the same token several EPs and singles. The additional she conceived, the explain she mat led ought to step extraordinarily into break down identity by the same token an organizer who decay called make out minister enlightening, testimony current truth. Tod, Genevieve conveys her sharpwitted with a passionate categorical on notice and shore the standing studio. She also shares her satisfaction and fount as a dedicated blatant teacher queue mentor rear countless opposite singers shaft aspiring musicians. She presently resides make known Brooklyn, Newborn York shrink her groom and deuce children.

  • Lindsay

  • canan uzerli biography of albert
  • International Folk Bazaar Playlists


    February 12, 2025

    Life On Wheels (2011) – Lily Neill (USA)
    Hyou-hyou (1992) – Itsuro Shimoda (Japan)
    Garrib Tigy (2009) – Ahmed Fathi (Yemen)
    Chula da Distância (2021) – Manuel Maio (Portugal)
    Ronda del Ausente (1979) – Quilapayún (Chile)
    Mistereph (2014) – Atash (USA)
    La Cabellona (1985) – Chane Meza (Colombia)
    Variations On My Lady Carey’s Dompe (1985) – John Renbourn (UK)
    Chouia L’mon Coeur (2008) – Akim El Sikameya (Algeria)
    Obosita (2003) – Ada Milea (Romania)
    El Dueño de los Muñecos (1977) – Pastoral (Argentina)
    Uti Vår Hage (2020) – Kusinerna Riippa (Sweden)
    Baby’s in Black (1992) – Ruben Blades (Panama)
    Hendry (1993) – Tarika Sammy (Madagascar)
    Ménage à quatre (1996) – Ad Vielle Que Pourra (Quebec)

    February 5, 2025

    Mikros Aravonyastika (1986) – Eric Thompson and Alan Senauke (USA)
    Kekilo (2002) – Pape & Cheikh (Senegal)
    Siempre Es Azul (2024) – Amparo Sánchez, Raly Barrionuevo & Willy Fuego (Spain)
    Kalina (2024) – Ildikó Kali (Slovakia)
    Treputė martela (2025) – The Baltic Sisters (Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania)
    Jacqueline (1969) – Poet and the O