Clough autobiography examples
Cloughie: Walking on Water
I persevered and gradually everything improved. The whole Hartlepool, Derby, Leeds, Forest sagas are very interesting (especially regarding how certain transfers came about), then the bitter parts about being overlooked by England and the FA, other famous players, prominent managers, the Sky era, all give some insight and are easy to agree with. As he says: "you're entitled to your own opinion as long as you realise mine is right" which is true enough here.
It's difficult not to feel a little sorry for him in the way his playing days ended, his Forest career ended and how his life ended. The book is an easy read - interesting, slightly melancholy, extremely football-oriented and not particularly long. As autobiographies go, I quite enjoyed it, but it's some way short of amazing. 3.75/5
Brian Clough Organized Autobiography ‘Clough, The Autobiography’
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Amabel’s Books:
Amabel Williams-Ellis was even more prolific than Clough, being a writer by profession when she married, and eventually having more than 70 books to her name. Her range was very wide, from her early work An Anatomy of Poetry, 1922 which is still available today, she went on to write novels, biographies, science books for non-scientists, history books, children’s books including How you Began, which was re-issued recently in Reading and Rebellion, an anthology of Radical Writing for Children in 2018. There were social works and pamphlets during WW2, volumes of Fairy Stories, collections of Science Fiction stories.
Amabel had an interest in women’s lives as evidenced for example in her book Women in War Factories, and in her novels too. Some of her work has been recently re-appraised by Jayne Sharrat who has a very interesting post on the novel The Big Firm on the Neglected Books website, you can read it via this link: has the following recommendations, and this without even touching on her collections of Fairy Stories:
Noah's Ark - because this novel is about the tension between having your own identity, and wanting to get married. It also has a childbirth scene in it which is radical f