Joachim gauck biography ehefrau haeupl

  • This new book in Critical Discourse Studies uses detailed and systematic analysis of the discursive construction of Austrian identities across a period of 20.
  • This book traces the re-emergence of nationalism in the media, popular culture and politics, and the normalization of far-right nativist ideologies and.
  • Twenty-first-century views of historical violence have been immeasurably influenced by cultural representations of the S.
  • Views of Violence: Representing the Second World War in German and European Museums and Memorials 9781789201277

    Table of contents :
    INTRODUCTION Representing the Second World War in German and European Museums and Memorials
    PART I Museums
    CHAPTER 1 Multi-Voiced and Personal Second World War Remembrance in German Museums
    CHAPTER 2 The Experientiality of the Second World War in Twenty-First-Century European Museums (Normandy, the Ardennes, Germany)
    CHAPTER 3 Exhibiting Images of War: The Use of Historic Media in the Bundeswehr Military History Museum (Dresden) and the Imperial War Museum North (Manchester)
    CHAPTER 4 In the Eye of the Beholder: Gaze and Distance through Photographic Collage in the Topography of Terror and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
    CHAPTER 5 The Challenging Representation of National Socialist Perpetrators in Exhibitions: Two Examples from Austria and Germany
    CHAPTER 6 “Warschau erhebt sich” The 1944 Warsaw Uprising and the Nationalization of European Identity in the Berlin Republic
    PART II Memorials and Memorial Landscapes
    CHAPTER 7 A Culture of Remembrance, Memorials, and Museum in the Hürtgenwald Region
    CHAPTER 8 Contested Heroes, Contested Places: Conflicting Visions of War at Heldenplatz/Ballhauspla

  • joachim gauck biography ehefrau haeupl
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