Joachim gauck biography ehefrau haeupl
Views of Violence: Representing the Second World War in German and European Museums and Memorials 9781789201277
Table of contents : • Most metrics have been collected from a partial dump (aka stub dump), which contains all revisions of every article, meta data, but no page content. Some metrics have been collected from the full archive dump which runs on lower frequency than the usual monthly cycle. • Diese Seite in return ein Archiv abgeschlossener Diskussionen. Ihr Inhalt sollte daher nicht mehr verändert werden. Benutze bitte die aktuelle Projektseite, auch um eine archivierte Diskussion weiterzuführen.
INTRODUCTION Representing the Second World War in German and European Museums and Memorials
PART I Museums
CHAPTER 1 Multi-Voiced and Personal Second World War Remembrance in German Museums
CHAPTER 2 The Experientiality of the Second World War in Twenty-First-Century European Museums (Normandy, the Ardennes, Germany)
CHAPTER 3 Exhibiting Images of War: The Use of Historic Media in the Bundeswehr Military History Museum (Dresden) and the Imperial War Museum North (Manchester)
CHAPTER 4 In the Eye of the Beholder: Gaze and Distance through Photographic Collage in the Topography of Terror and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
CHAPTER 5 The Challenging Representation of National Socialist Perpetrators in Exhibitions: Two Examples from Austria and Germany
CHAPTER 6 “Warschau erhebt sich” The 1944 Warsaw Uprising and the Nationalization of European Identity in the Berlin Republic
PART II Memorials and Memorial Landscapes
CHAPTER 7 A Culture of Remembrance, Memorials, and Museum in the Hürtgenwald Region
CHAPTER 8 Contested Heroes, Contested Places: Conflicting Visions of War at Heldenplatz/Ballhauspla
Monthly counts & Quarterly rankings / Editor activity levels / Distribution of article edits / Most prolific active and inactive registered contributors, anonymous contributors and bots / Articles per size range / Records per namespace / Most edited articles / ZeitgeistWikipedia Statistics Bavarian
Jan 31, 2019: This is the final release of Wikistats-1 dump-based reports. Part of these data are available in the first release of Wikistats 2. Read more here
Note that article and editor counts for all months are a few percent higher than when a full archive dump had been processed.
This is because no page content was available to check for internal or category links.
These metrics are columns F,I,J,K,M,N,O,P,Q,R from the first table.
See also metrics definitions
Monthly counts & Quarterly rankings: December 2018
Date Wikipedians Articles Database Links total new edits count new
per daymean larger than Wikipedia:Café/Archiv 2014 Q3