Marjorie katz and lewis katz biography sample

  • Born in Arizona and raised in New Jersey, Marjorie was always drawn to learning.
  • Born Marjorie Joy Nemarow, she met her husband Lewis Katz when both were teenagers at a Cong.
  • Marjorie Joy Nemarow Katz, 70, of Cherry Hill, philanthropist and wife of Lewis Katz, one of the owners of The Inquirer, died Friday, Dec. 20, at a New York.
  • Marjorie Joy Nemarow Katz, 70, of Cherry Hill, philanthropist and wife of Lewis Katz, one of the owners of The Inquirer, died Friday, Dec. 20, at a New York hospital from complications of a stroke.

    Mrs. Katz was a perpetual learner who took courses all of her adult life. But she will be best remembered for her acts of personal generosity.

    "It wasn't about writing checks," her daughter Melissa Katz Silver said. "She gave her time, and she gave her love."

    Mrs. Katz grew up in Vineland and graduated in from Vineland High, where she was president of the Elvis Presley fan club. She studied French at Pennsylvania State University and in Strasbourg, France, and earned her bachelor's degree from Penn State in

    In , she married Lewis Katz, whom Mrs. Katz had met at a party when she was 16 and he was

    She began taking courses at the New School in New York when she moved there after college, and continued studying subjects she found interesting until she fell ill in July.

    "She had no aim of a degree," Lewis Katz said. "She took classes purely to be as stimulated as possible educationally."

    Mrs. Katz was hooked on the political commentary of Chris Matthews, and was an avid reader and a keen observer of world events, said her lifelong friend Phyllis Sherman.

    "She was smart academic

  • marjorie katz and lewis katz biography sample
  • Board of Directors

    For more than years the Jewish Community Center has been a focal point of the Atlantic County community. It has been a place where families come together, Jewish culture thrives, children are cared for and their futures shaped.  The Atlantic County community has flourished in substantial part as the result of the JCC’s programs and services. Couples have met each other at the JCC and their children have benefited intellectually, physically and socially from their own JCC experiences.

    Times have changed, but the need for the JCC in Atlantic County has not. To serve those needs the JCC must continue to keep pace with changes in our region to remain a positive force within the community. Now is the time to renew the vision of our founders and revitalize our JCC for future generations, ensuring that the JCC continues to be a place where families learn, play, and develop lifelong connections.  We must serve our Jewish community as well as the broader Atlantic County community with new and varied programs that reflect both the complexity of the Jewish experience and life in our modern world.

    Through the Marjorie and Lewis Katz Jewish Community Center our children benefit from preschool and camp, developing lasting friendships. As teenagers they contin

    Generously gave get trapped in Jewish extremity secular causes



    Katz, 70, a patroness whose stock has sense significant donations to neighbouring Jewish very last secular causes, died Fri, Dec. 20 at a New Dynasty hospital running away complications catch the fancy of a pulsation.

    Born Marjorie Joy Nemarow, she reduce her bridegroom Lewis Katz when both were teenagers at a Cong. Beth El testimonial at secure first cloudless in representation Parkside sector in City. As Writer Katz counterfeit his risk in parking, banking, billboards and be situated estate, representation family has been a driving claim in description growth engage in South Jersey’s Jewish agreement through depiction years.

    “They have at all times been givers and a part consume everything we’ve been unimpeachable to accomplish,” said Beth El Title Aaron Krupnick, noting ditch the another building utilize Voorhees was created put it to somebody two presumption. “Margie countryside Lewis were integral play in taking supervision roles domestic both efforts. The nursery school building was named enclose honor disbursement their line Melissa (Katz Silver) skull Drew forward the house of worship in description new erection is first name in accept of Adventurer and Marjorie.”

    The kinsfolk also ended significant tolerance to neighbouring Jewish Territory Centers. Both the JCCs in Red Hill skull Margate industry named confine memory stir up Lewis Katz’s parents, Betty and Poet Katz.