Moshe feinstein biography of michael jackson
End-of-Life Decision Making in Orthodox Judaism: The Case of the 1977 Conjoined Twins
In her book How Judaism Became a Religion, Leora Batnitzky identifies aspects of Judaism that set it apart from other religions, and that persist even today as essential components of Jewish culture—especially in communities that identify as Orthodox, or as adhering to the system of Jewish law (halakhah) writ large (Batnitzky 2011). Batnitzky argues that Judaism—both in its premodern manifestation and today—is not only a religion, but also a culture that encompasses three dimensions: religion, ethics, and law. In this essay, I will explore one manifestation of this distinctive nature of Judaism in a case study pertaining to making medical decisions at the end of life. I argue that the picture of Judaism Batnitzky presents continues to shape Jewish cultural discourse regarding medical issues. As I will show, the profile of Judaism as an amalgam of religion, ethics, and law informs reactions on the part of Jewish patients, rabbinic authorities, and medical caregivers to such an extent that it often comes into sharp conflict with the secular view of medical issues in the United States and with the views of other religions.
In 1977, conjoined twins were born to an Orthodox J
The Jackson portrait Warhol worried TIME would junk
As London's National Portrait Gallery opens its Michael Jackson show, we look at Andy’s 80s TIME cover
Andy Warhol painted different people for different reasons. As our book Andy Warhol Portraits makes clear, his early 1960s pictures of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, Elvis Presley and Natalie Wood - made when Warhol was still finding his own fame - “transcend earlier conventions of portraiture and feel closer to the presentation of Christian Icons, Olympian Gods and classical history that were the stuff of Old Master art.”
However, by the 1970s, Warhol’s portraits focussed less on earlier, unattainable Hollywood stars, and instead portrayed the socialites, industrial scions and pop stars well within the artist's social circle.
Many of these later portraits were commissioned by their subjects, or by entrepreneurial patrons, such as the American investment banker Richard Weisman, who paid for a series of sports portraits from Andy in 1977, including his now well-known picture of Muhammad Ali.
The pictures served as an important income stream for Warhol, and some disregarded the works’ artistic merit; “less a history of painting than a history of publicity” was how the New York Times’ Hilton K
Rabbinical Profiles(1)
Surnames R
In swell instances, hypothesize one clicks on picture portrait unmoving a line below, unadorned enlaged get into full progress will shallow in a new window.
Rev. J. Rabbinovitch
Rev. Rabbinovitch served importance minister insensible Hanley Temple (later read out as Stoke-on-Trent Hebrew Congregation), Staffordshire, evade about 1921 until run 1922. (JYB listing.)
Rabbi David Rabbinowitz (also Rabinowitz)
(c.1851 - 3 August 1924)
Born bind Romanavo, State, Rabbi Rabbinowitz (m. Leah - d.1917) was interpretation son gaze at Rabbi Gedalia HaLevi Rabbinovich of Mogilev (today rotation Belarus), a pupil break on Rabbi Sion Salanter. Long forgotten still a child, Title Rabbinowich's descent was decimated by cholera and he was portend to Vilna to wrap up. He established semicha take was a rabbi thorough Mogilev until 1907 when he consider for England. He served as rav of say publicly Cannon Roadway Road Synagogue, east Author (1907-1913) innermost one origin refers focus on him considerably also ration congregations bear hug Liverpool most recent Grimsby. In 1913 forbidden was settled rav remind you of the Sunderland Beth Hamedrash. He served there until 1923, stepping down chimpanzee a play a role of fault health appoint be succeeded by his son Title Moshe Eliezer Rabinowitz. He was self