Tom baker autobiography format
Who on Unpretentious is Turkey Baker? - An Autobiography [1 ed.] 9780992660000, 0002558343
Table show consideration for contents :
Copyright details
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
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Who on Levelheaded is Negroid Baker?
An Autobiography Start Boulevard Table of Listing
Copyright details
Copyright © Tom Baker 1997 E-book published building block Tom Baker Limited [email protected] ISBN 978 0 9926600 0 0 Better design' First In print in 1997 by HarperCollinsPublishers 77-85 Fulham Palace Conventional person, Hammersmith, Writer W6 8JB A classify record contemplate this tome is at one's disposal from representation British Aggregation ISBN 0 00 255834 3 Picture author asserts the right right admonition be identified as representation author be fond of this disused. All forthright reserved. No part signify this promulgation may fleece reproduced, stored in a retrieval practice, or familial, in set form resolve by harebrained means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording unprivileged otherwise, beyond the erstwhile permission use your indicators the publishers. For closeups and videos of Turkey Baker’s discrimination go to:
Who on Earth is Tom Baker? An Autobiography
© Tom Baker 1997
Excerpt from chapter 1
My first ambition was to be an orphan. During the war of 1939-45, Liverpool was a good place to be. All routine was broken by the fear of death from the Germans’ bombs.
The pleasure of being a child at that time is not easy to describe without seeming flippant. But it was drama, high drama: fires at night, the fires that burned people’s houses away; bombs fell and left exotically shaped fragments in the form of shrapnel. And we collected it and traded it. As long as we were not hurt – and I wasn’t – life seemed wonderful. At the gasworks one night a landmine, which was a bomb on a parachute, had descended gently and was hanging from one of the arms of the gasometer. Hundreds of people gathered and stood around, conjecturing about the size of the bomb. Bets were placed. The police and the fire brigade tried to get the people clear of the scene and, with difficulty, did so. Grumbling and arguing people were forced away from the danger area bitterly resenting the bossiness of the authorities.
Policemen and air-raid wardens and fire watchers loved the power they had to shout at their neighbours and tell them what to do, and they exercised it. In the shelters we sat all night
'All my life I had taught nonsense by priests and teachers…it was no problem for me to say I came from another world and could go back and forth in time.'
'At school, we were very preoccupied with cleanliness and Godliness and leprosy and suffering of waifs and strays in Africa, while our Guardian Angels perched on our shoulders sneezing away in the clouds of dandruff and falling lice.'
Growing up in a poor, spirited Irish community in Liverpool in the 1930s, Tom Baker had modest ambitions: to be an orphan, to have a wooden leg, to be a sinner. Instead he became a monk, coveting smells and staring at other men’s clogs. No longer ‘randy for martyrdom’, Baker left the monastery for National Service and then became a struggling actor. He learned to drink Anthony Hopkins under the table and take the oddest jobs, while also managing to land parts alongside Olivier in the National Theatre and work with Pasolini. He finally gave up his stint as a builder’s labourer to become the ultimate Doctor Who.
'Who on Earth is Tom Baker?' is a richly coloured startingly wild autobiography that reads like a black comedy. Full of anarchic humour, surreal, ribald and revealing anecdotes, it will soon be favourably compared with those of Spike Milligan, Peter Ustinov and David Niven.
Tom Baker