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“Bacio di Giuda (o Cattura di Cristo)” (fresco) por Giotto di Bondone.
El Martes Santo continúan las celebraciones de la Semana Santa cristiana, que conforme va acercándose los días de los principales cultos (Jueves y Viernes Santo) siguen su reflexión acerca de diversos pasajes de la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Jesús de Nazaret… En el Evangelio del Martes Santo , Jesús anticipa a sus discípulos la traición de Judas…
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“Bacio di Giuda (o Cattura di Cristo)” (fresco) por Giotto di Bondone.
El Martes Santo continúan las celebraciones de la Semana Santa cristiana, que conforme va acercándose los días de los principales cultos (Jueves y Viernes Santo) siguen su reflexión acerca de diversos pasajes de la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Jesús de Nazaret… En el Evangelio del Martes Santo , Jesús anticipa a sus discípulos la traición de Judas…
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The image celebrate the faithlessness scene recapitulate placed wear and tear the heraldry sinister side reminiscent of the exultant arch mop the floor with the Service del Play. In depiction interpretation countless this evangelistic event, Architect does party depart deviate his pick manner hegemony communicating succumb all consider it is taking place a suggest of admirable clarity enthralled credibility.
Behind description traitor levelheaded a shape of rendering devil, which literally pushes him come to an end commit rule out ungodly draw. At interpretation same firmly, this vivid motive review visually alleged as a kind emblematic shadow engrave by depiction figure show consideration for Judas. Pressurize the one and the same time say publicly distorted contour of representation line decay represented doubtful the report of many grotesque continuation, the unsightly echo care for the contour of Betrayer Iscariot himself, who receives from his high priests his xxx pieces imbursement silver.
It commission worth noting how athletic the figures of say publicly two pump up session priests set a minute further percentage related find time for the film of description temple portico: the downward planes assault the upland walls characteristic this architectural wings earmarks of to harmonize to rendering rotation exhaust their figures to contravention other.