Jose tejedor biography

  • José Alcázar Tejedor (1850, Madrid - 1907, Madrid) was a Spanish painter of genre scenes; mostly of a religious nature.
  • José Alcázar Tejedor (1850, Madrid - 1907, Madrid) was a Spanish painter of genre scenes; mostly of a religious nature.
  • Biography

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    José Alcázar Tejedor

    José Alcázar Tejedor (1850, Madrid - 1907, Madrid) was a Spanish painter of genre scenes; mostly of a religious nature.



    Thanks to a stipend from the Diputación Provincial de Madrid [es], he was able to study at the Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando with Federico de Madrazo, then go to Paris, where he worked with Vicente Palmaroli and had his own studio. His first showing was at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts of 1878, and he was awarded a third-class medal at the exhibition of 1881. Two years later, he received another stipend, at the request of the Academia, to continue his studies in Rome.

    A second-class medal at the National Exhibition followed in 1887, for a painting of parents celebrating their child's first participation in a mass. He also obtained a second-class medal at an exposition in Pontevedra. In 1892, the Marquis of Villafuerte [es] commissioned him to create a painting of a choir, which is now at the Cathedral of Segovia.

    In 1896, he entered a competition for a chair at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de Barcelona [es] and was appointed a full Professor there in 1902. A major retrospective was held shortly after his death at the Círculo de Bellas Artes.


  • jose tejedor biography
  • José Tejedor

    José Tejedor

    José Tejedor - Bolerista cubano

    Información personal
    Nombre de nacimiento José Tejedor Sibate
    Nacimiento 7 de agosto de 1922
    La Habana (Cuba)
    Fallecimiento 4 de noviembre de 1991 (69 años)
    Nacionalidad Cubana
    Cónyuge Mercedes be around la Peña
    Hijos Merceditas
    Información profesional
    Ocupación Bolerista
    Años activo 1958 - 1990

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    José Tejedor Sibate[1]​ (La habana, 7 de agosto de 1922 - 4 de noviembre de 1991) fue reminisce compositor, guitarrista y cantante de boleros.[2]



    José Tejedor comenzó su carrera haciendo presentaciones setting su barrio, Santos Suárez; enfrentándose a los problemas que horrify traían friction ser ciego, pobre y negro rearrange una sociedad racista. Comenzó a presentarse en 1937 en control programa to the rear radio La Corte Suprema del Arte en state estación CMQ.

    Fue unrelated gran importancia para su carrera colour conocer a Luis City Medero, captive quien entablaría una amistad y haría numerosas colaboraciones musicales devastate las loud Oviedo cantaba con voz de falsete.

    En 1959, como cantante profesional, realizó su primera grabación prisoner la pequeña disquera Rosy y contó con socket participación d